Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council
Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council
Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council
Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council
Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council
Copyright: Malaysian Timber Council

Rode Meranti

De gewilde houtsoort uit Maleisië
Waarschijnlijk de bekendste houtsoort uit Maleisiƫ: Rode Meranti. In Nederland veelvuldig gebruikt voor hoogwaardig binnen- en buitentimmerwerk zoals kozijnen, deuren, plinten, trappenhuizen, traptreden en carrosseriebouw.

Meranti is een gewilde houtsoort. Het is het aanbevolen hardhout voor buiten- en binnentoepassingen vanwege zijn duurzaamheid, sterkte en aantrekkelijke nerven. Er zijn twee belangrijke soortengroepen van Meranti: Dark Red Meranti en Red Meranti.

Dark Red Meranti
Komt veel voor in goed gedraineerde bossen, op lage heuvels en op de bovenste hellingen van bergkammen in heel Maleisiƫ. Het spinthout is niet duidelijk te onderscheiden van het kernhout dat rood, donkerrood tot diep roodbruin is. Het heeft een licht-grove maar gelijkmatig textuur. Het hout is een duurzaam hardhout en gemakkelijk te bewerken.

Red Meranti
Komt wijdverspreid voor in goed gedraineerde laaglandbossen en heuvelruggen. Het spinthout is helderder van kleur, meestal grijsachtig en verschilt van het kernhout. Het hout is een hardhout en gemakkelijk te bewerken.

Nederlandse Kwaliteitseisen
Rode meranti heeft sinds 1989 een eigen Nederlandse norm in de serie Kwaliteitseisen voor hout (KVH 1980), NEN 5483. Bovendien is het hout gekeurd en geschikt bevonden voor de vervaardiging van houten gevelelement en kan daarom KOMO-gecertificeerd worden. Tenslotte wordt meranti genoemd in de beoordelingsrichtlijn (BRL) 1701/05, Gelijmde dragende houten bouwconstructies en voldoet het hout aan de eisen genoemd in de beoordelingsrichtlijn (BRL) 2902/01, Gelamineerd hout voor niet-dragende toepassingen.

As a resource-rich country, Malaysiaā€™s primary industries such as forestry are a significant part of the economy, but at the same time, it is vital to sustain its tropical rainforests for the future. With more than 50% of the country under forest cover, Malaysia is blessed with a rich green heritage and a huge variety of tropical hardwoods.

Malaysia processes its hardwoods into a range of export grade sawn timber / lumber as well as laminated scantlings, moldings, builders' joinery and carpentry products, veneers, plywood and other panel products and fine furniture.

Meranti may be bland in appearance; it has straight grain with few variations. Colored gray or yellow, blending to reddish depending on where it is harvested, meranti ages to a golden brown with continued exposure to light. Meranti is a hardwood of worldwide commercial importance and is established as one of the leading species among imported tropical timbers. The most popular of which are dark red meranti and red meranti. The major species of dark red meranti that are widely available include meranti bukit, meranti nemesu and meranti seraya.

Dark Red Meranti
The dark red meranti is a light hardwood with a density of 415-855kgm3 air dry. The sapwood is pink with a grey tinge and is not clearly defined from the heartwood which is medium red to deep red to deep red brown. Texture is moderately coarse and even with interlocked grain. It is one of the easier hardwoods with which to work. It easily machines, cuts, mills, and sands. It has a coarse, fibrous texture with open pores. The straight-grain composition of meranti means it's friendly to planers and surfacers, but a certain amount of interlocking grain can cause meranti to blow out or splinter. Interlocking grain patterns result when parallel grain patterns turn at 90 degrees. When knives or cutters cut across perpendicular grain, it can cause the grain to lift or chip out.

The straight-grain consistency, meranti trees produce long, straight pieces of lumber. It is used for molding, structure, furniture, cabinets, window and door trim, and veneers for plywood. Meranti is one of the more affordable hardwoods due in part to numerous subspecies, prolific growing characteristics, and availability. Meranti is a very versatile and durable timber for indoor and outdoor applications. It is a hardwood timber commonly used for decorative purposes such as doors, window frames, sidings, decking, mouldings, furniture, panelling and joinery. It can be painted and stained to match the colour and design of your home.

Sustainable and legally sourced
Malaysia has been very active and successful in implementing the principles and standards of sustainable forest management and in certifying its forests and timber products. Sustainably produced tropical hardwoods like the Malaysian meranti is the preferred material not only for technical and aesthetic reasons, but for ecological reasons too.

The Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) has been developed specifically to ensure that Malaysia can supply products that are sourced from sustainably managed forests.  The MTCS became the first tropical timber certification scheme in the Asia Pacific region to be endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

Malaysian meranti species has established a reputation for quality, makingtmuch sought-after by discerning buyers. They are the recommended hardwoods for outdoor and indoor applications due to their durability, strength, and attractive grains.

Timber species from the meranti group have been among the most important timber types exported into Europe for window and door construction for about 40 years. These wood types dominate the market, mainly due to their wide availability and good technical properties. Since the introduction of the European Timber Regulation (EUTR), meranti is used increasingly and is set to remain a key timber export to Europe.

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